MOSTRA ROTA & GIFT SHOW 25-28/1/2019

Another successful event for the trade fair-institution of the Greek market!

The MOSTRA ROTA & GIFT SHOW trade fair was once again completed with absolute success. Thousands of professional visitors from all over Greece were present, further enhancing its already enhanced dynamics.

This January, visitors of the exhibition also had the opportunity to get in touch with the top importing and construction companies in the market, discovering valuable ideas and useful solutions for home and decorative items, glassware, giftware and seasonal items for their interior and exterior places. MOSTRA ROTA & GIFT SHOW has been for many years a leader in its field, and thanks to its constantly evolving organization, with passion, inspiration and confidence, it offers stable and direct commercial results not only to the participating professionals but also to all its visitors. The next MOSTRA ROTA & GIFT SHOW will be held from 20 to 23 September 2019 at the METROPOPLITAN EXPO exhibition center, offering an extraordinary experience of originality and finesse in the Greek market for the autumn season. Meanwhile, in the same venue, the focal exhibition about toys, “CHILDREN AND TOYS”, will be held at the trade fair.

About ROTA Exhibition Organization

The ROTA Exhibition Organization was founded in 1984 and is now the biggest fair in Greece. Through the organization of 10 of the most important Greek exhibitions and the management of the biggest and most modern exhibition center in Greece, METROPOLITAN EXPO supports and promotes cooperation between the commercial worlds, contributing decisively to the development of the economy.
Impressive growth rates are shown every year due to commitment to success, insistence on the provision of cutting-edge services for Greece and executives committed to the values ​​of teamwork and excellent service,.

More information about the ROTA Exhibition Organization can be found at